Corporate Discount Loan
Corporate Discount Loan

Do not wait for your business cheques maturity date with Corporate Discount Loan. Bring your cheques to Iktisatbank and we immediately convert your cheques to cash before maturity date.
Corporate Discount Loan provides convenience and flexibility for short term cash requirements. This loan is available for businesses with high-volume of cheques and cash cycle.
After deduction of corresponding interest to the period until the maturity date, commisions and statutory decuctions you will be paying the remaining balance.
Convert your cheques before their maturity date. This way you do not have the risk of cheuqes being lost or pursuit them.
For more information about Corporate Discount Loan you can visit Kıbrıs Iktisatbank Ltd.'s nearest branch and our professional customer representative can help you or you can call our Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444 give your information, we call you back.