Corporate Loans
About İktisatbank Corporate banking Loan Products
Special for corporate company there is Flexible loans suits your needs. There is İktisatbank Corporate Loans suitable for all of your needs.
Also for the businesses there are lots of advantaged loan interest rates at İktisatbank.
Corporate Overdraft Account
With the overdraft account limit you set, your payment will be done even if you do not have any funds in your current account.
Your payments like cheque, water, electiricty, telephone will be paid at the last payment date from your account and your payment would not be delayed.
You will pay interest for the days and amount you spend and you do not pay any interest for the days you do not use your account.
For more details and to apply you can visit Kıbrıs Iktisatbank Ltd.'s nearest branch or you can call our Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444.