Overdraft Account

Overdraft Account
This account is ideal for emergencies when there are insufficient funds in your current account to meet possible unforeseen payments.
With an agreed overdraft limit, you can rest assured that the expenses will be covered.
Iktısatbank Overdraft Account
Have your salary paid directly into an İktisatbank Overdraft Account and benefit from advantageous interest rates.
With a Iktisatbank Overdraft Account you can make cash withdrawals in Turkish Lira or foreign currencies even when there are no funds on your account. Withdraw funds against your Iktisatbank Overdraft limit from any Iktisatbank ATM at any time of day with a Iktisatbank Debit card or Cardplus Credit card.
Withdraw cash from any of our branches between the opening times of 08:15 - 16:00 in either Turkish Lira or foreign currencies or call our Telephone Banking service on +90(392)444-4444 up until 20:00 to make transfers and payments.
An Active Overdraft Account Guarantees That All Your Bills Will Be Paid
İktisatbank's Active Overdraft Account is especially designed for customers who may occasionally require additional funds to cover such expenses as electricity and water bills and school fees, or who simply need a bit of extra money to spend.
Our low-interest overdraft facility guarantees that your bills will be paid even if there are no funds on your account.
For more information about this product, please call our Telephone Banking service on +90(392)444-4444 or visit your nearest branch.