
Making Your Payments is No Longer a Waste of Time
With İktisatbank you don’t have to remember and track your payments, for all those troublesome jobs let İktisatbank take the strain.
You can set up automatic payment from your account for your school payments, bill payments, rent payments and even salary payments, therefore you do not have to waste your time making the transaction and following it up.
Furthermore, when you set up an instruction for your payments to be made on a set date and amount there is no risk of any payments being delayed. You can check and monitor your payments by using all Digital Banking Channels.
With İktisatbank regular payment services, we follow your payments for you. You can give regular payment instruction for your accounts as well. With an easy instruction you can transfer funds from your accounts to an other accounts on a set day every month.
Features and Advantages
- If you have a regular payment to make on a set day every month whether it is monthly school fees or rent on a property set up a regular payment from any one of your accounts.
- Even if the payment has start changes to the date and the amount can be made at anytime by you.
- If you want to ensure you always have sufficient funds in your account to meet your regular payments then why not look at our low interest rate overdraft facility
With the İktisatbank automatic bill payment system you can set up standing order payments and pay your bills.
If you want to ensure you always have sufficient funds in your account to meet your regular payments then why not look at our low interest rate overdraft facility
You can pay your bills from your demand account via Internet Banking, ATM Banking and Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444. Also you can set up standing order payment for your bills from our facilities. With automatic bill payment system, you can pay your bills only with one instruction.
Not only can you set up a standing order to pay your school fees but you can also set up a standing order to pay for the school bus and meals. To set this up all you need is the name of the institution you have to make the payment to, the amount and the payment date.
Once the payment has been set up you can change it at anytime.
If you want to ensure you always have sufficient funds in your account to meet your school fees then why not look at our low interest rate overdraft facility.
İktisatbank offers special advantages and solutions for our salary customers and companies for their salary payments.
If you are getting your salary via our bank;
- You can get your salary with your Cardplus credit card and Iktisatbank Debit card from Kibris İktisatbank Ltd.’s ATMs when you are in domestic and from any of the ATM overseas 24 hours a day 7 day a week.
- Your cash withdrawl daily limit is 3.000 TL with your Cardplus credit card and Iktisatbank Debit card at our ATM Banking.
- With Kibris İktisatbank Ltd.’s active account all your automatic bill payment, loan payment and regular payments can be made from your salary on time.
- You can benefit from Kibris İktisatbank Ltd.’s Private Loan products with special discounted interest rates and we are offering you a loan up to 4 times your monthly net salary without a surety.
- We can define Overdraft Account limit according to your salary with a single signature. Even if you do not have any funds in your salary account you can assure yourself.
- You can withdraw cash advance from any of the İktisatbank ATMs as well as domestic ATMs of all banks with your Cardplus credit card.
- You can make your banking transaction via Internet Banking 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
- You can get your monthly financial information, Automatic payments and Overdraft accounts statements wihout any charges.
If you are making your employees salary payment via our bank;
- Can benefit from integration with wage statement program and the electronic fund transfer system.
- Can benefit from safe solutions of data preparation and transfer transactions.
- If desired can have the opportunity to pay in foreign currencies.
- You can take advantage of the easy payment on weekends and holidays.
- Reduction in workload and transaction costs.
- Can provide increase in operational efficiency.
- Experience a reduction in the margin of error and risk of cash distribution
- Benefit from the privacy of salary payment.