Mobile App Transactions

Mobile App Transactions

Banking Transactions You Can Perform with the Mobile App

With the Iktisatbank Mobile App, you can easily carry out numerous banking transactions without needing to visit a branch or use a computer.

Transactions You Can Perform Without Logging In

The Iktisatbank Mobile App allows you to perform the following transactions quickly and easily without logging in using a username or e-password:

  • Locate Branches and ATMs: Find the nearest branches and ATMs in seconds.
  • Loan Calculations: Calculate loans tailored to your needs effortlessly.
  • Deposit Yield Calculations: Instantly calculate the returns on your savings.
  • Currency Exchange Rate Tracking: Stay updated with the latest exchange rates.
  • Currency Calculations: Perform quick and accurate foreign exchange calculations.
  • Product and Service Information: Access detailed information about the bank’s products and services.

Transactions You Can Perform After Logging In

Once you log in securely using your card details or username, you can perform a variety of financial and non-financial transactions, including:

  • Money Transfers: Conduct wire transfers, EFT, and foreign currency transfers.
  • Payments: Pay bills and credit card dues.
  • Foreign Exchange, Gold, and Precious Metal Transactions: Buy and sell foreign currencies, and manage your gold, silver, and platinum accounts.
  • Account Management: Manage your deposit accounts and check balances.

The Iktisatbank Mobile App provides a user-friendly interface and a secure infrastructure, making your banking transactions faster, easier, and more accessible than ever before!

Transactions You Can Perform with the İktisatbank Mobile App

AccountsMonitor All Accounts
Account Details
Account Transactions
Open/Close Term/Non-Term Accounts
 Cards Credit Card Information
Monitor Statement History
Debt Payment
Monitor Pending Installments
Make Installment
Cash Advance
Automatic Payment
Link Account to Card
Card Security Settings
Time DepisitsMonitor Term Deposit Accounts
Open/Close Term Deposit Account
Add Funds to Account
Withdraw Funds from Account
Monitor Term Deposit Rates
TransfersInternal Bank Transfer
Transfer Between My Accounts
Domestic TL Transfer (EÖS)
Domestic Foreign Currency Transfer (EÖS)
TL Transfer to Turkey (EFT)
International Foreign Currency Transfer (SWIFT)
Payment by Credit Card Number (Cardplus)
Monitor Registered Beneficiaries
Monitor Last 15 Transaction History
Repeat Last 15 Transactions
InvestmentsPrecious Metal Prices (Gold, Silver, Platinum)
Buy/Sell Gold-Silver-Platinum
Open Precious Metal Account
Monitor Securities Portfolio
Foreign Exchange TransactionsMonitor Exchange Rates
Buy/Sell Foreign Currency
Open Foreign Currency Account
LoansMonitor Loan Accounts
Account Transactions
Installment Payments
Monitor Payment Plans
Monitor Loan Rates
PaymentsOnline Bill Payment
Registered Subscriptions
Automatic Payment Instructions
Monitor All Pending Bills
Financial SummaryMonitor TL Accounts
Monitor Assets
Monitor Liabilities
QR TransactionsWithdraw Money with QR
Deposit Money with QR
Pay Credit Card Debt with QR
Profile and SettingsSelect Login Preference (Biometric/SMS Code)
Device Management (Secure Device Registration)
Notification Preferences
Quick Menu Customization
Quick Balance
Set Favorite Account
Set Favorite Card
Add Profile Picture
Update Password
Monitor Login History