
Secure Banking With Iktisatbank
1. Internet Banking now with One Time PIN (OTP)Login to the Internet Banking of Iktisatbank you will have a User Name and a Password that will never change, unless you change it yourself, once this has been entered correctly a One Time PIN will be sent to your registered Mobile Telephone Number.
2. Internet Banking Security ImageAn extra security setting of our Internet Banking is the security image which is selected by you upon your first log-in. For all logins after this selection has been made, your security image will be shown on the second screen.
3. Email SecurityYou must never use the link to our Internet Banking that may be contained in any email that is sent to you. Always enter the Internet Banking by logging onto and select Log-In.
4. Computer securityAlways maintain your anti-virus software up to date and ensure that the software is of high quality. If you are ever uploading any data from an external device always check this for viruses beforehand.
5. Security ApplicationsFor optional transactions a One Time PIN will be sent to your registered mobile number, therefore it is essential that you maintain your personal contact details update. Details of the One Time PIN:
- The Security PIN can only be used once
- You must pay attention to capital and lower case letters
- The One Time PIN must be used within 3 minutes of receiving it
Phishing Attacks and Protection Methods
Protect your online information!Phishing attacks are the most common and dangerous among internet crimes. These attacks are to steal the information used to make the intended financial transaction by Individuals or institutions. The person sends the fake e-mail as a bank employee, a card company, or a financial company to all the e-mail addresses it can obtain.The subject of the e-mail consists of links to pages that appear as an individual copy of the pages of the relevant institutions, as well as statements that contain the intent of updating or changing the information of the card customer.
İktisatbank does not make any information changes by internet channels. You should never share your password information with anyone including İktisatbank staff members. İktisatbank staff can not ask your card pin number under any circumstances.This person who defines himself as a staff actually intends to steal your information and defraud you. Some customers reply to e-mails filling out the requested information without being aware of the danger. As a result, the customer's personal details and passwords are stolen by fraudsters.
Information that is stolen online by phishing method:
• Credit, debit/ATM card number /CVV2
• Pin number and passwords
• Account numbers
• User code and passwords used for entry into Internet Banking
Do not forget about your emails:
• If you see the suspicious false e-mail You should call İktisatbank Telephone Banking +90(392)444-4444 and give information about the matter.
• İktisatbank never sends you an e-mail asking for your passwords or asking you to change your passwords.
• When İktisatbank sends you an e-mail, the links given will take you to informative and directive pages. The links in the e-mail will never go to the pages that asks you for information or update.
Ways to Avoid Phishing Attacks:
The most important means of protection against online fraud, fraud and viruses, to be conscious and informed. Never share your personal and financial information with any website without reading the following guidelines.
• Be absolutely sure about the sender and the correctness of the e-mail you receive! If you have any doubts about an e-mail sender or the content being posted to you please contact İktisatbank directly. Reputable companies will never send you e-mails asking for your personal details or passwords.
• Before doing online transactions, be absolutely sure that the page is safe! Check the address bar at the top of your Internet browser if it is "https". The letter "s" at the end of "https" indicates that this page is processed with secure. Moreover the closed lock mark at the bottom right of your internet browser shows you are still working on a secure and encrypted page. This sign indicates that the page is encrypted with SSL and the site belongs to İktisatbank note that these two security measures described above can be created by counterfeiters. If you want to use Internet Banking, you have to login to Internet Banking via our internet website through our internet banking login link.
Phishing 2:
The person who will make the fraud have possession of money through the accounts using the financial information they have obtained with the "Phishing" method. In order to prevent from being detected in the course of the withdrawal, job advertisements are posted on the internet for people who will not be suspected. These announcements are made in the form of easy money making methods.
Money transfers are made from the accounts obtained by phishing method using the accounts of the persons who are found with this announcement. They also use this method to transfer money to fraudsters through the international money transfer agent. Thus, the person who has carried out the fraud will keep the identity confidential and the persons who applied through the advertisement will be blamed.
You should be carefull about job adverts such as receiving a certain amount of such money and transferring it to another place for commission. This is how they make money loundering and as a result legal proceedings will be followed.
Attacks over Social Media
Recently, in our country It has been determined that people have recently tried to obtain your personal information through social engineering method and with this method they have tried to gain unfair profit. Do not share your personal information with people who tries to contact you via mobile phones, text messages or fake social media accounts.Also, do not take credit for e-mails with unauthorized transaction receipts, payment receipts, or cancellation of reservation, which have the impression that they have been sent from banks, and have malware in their attachment. We recommend you to you check the sender field in incoming e-mails and delete e-mails from people or organizations you do not recognize. For any suspicious situation please report it to your bank.
If you have any doubt that someone has your information that you use for your banking transactions, please call Telephone Banking at +90(392)444-4444 as soon as possible.
Viruses and Trojan Horses
Malware is computer programs designed to harm a computer or steal information without the user's permission.
Viruses and Trojans are the most commonly used malware.
Self-copying and running is the most common feature of computer viruses. Without the user's knowledge they can hide in files and damage the computer or steal user information.
You may have the following problems If your computer is infected with a virus:
• Your computer may respond slow,
• You can often get program errors,
• Unwanted pop-up screens may appear,
• Your files may get lost or moved,
• Your computer can play music or video on its own.
Trojan horses
Trojan horses enters to your computer by being hidden inside files during file exchange with internet or with external disks.
It is the most commonly used method to reach personal and confidential information in your computers. It accesses to your system by blocking the operation of antivirus and firewall software. It is extremely difficult to notice Trojan horses in your system.
Ways to Avoid
• You must use Licensed Antivirus programs.
• Programs, games, music or pictures that you download from your computer should be checked from the virus program.
• Do not download files from insecure websites.
• Encrypt your passwords with a mixed character combination and renew your passwords periodically.
• Never open e-mails from people or organizations, links and attached files you do not recognize.